March 2015 – Scotch Stitch

The Scotch Stitch is an example of the box stitches used in canvas and/or counted thread work. These stitches, based on the diagonal, make beautiful geometric patterns for borders.  Other similar box stitches are mosaic, cashmere, and Moorish. Each of these stitches has many variations. An excellent source is The Needlepoint Book by Jo Ippolito Christensen.



Here is a Scotch Stitch Sampler:



Column 1 – Giant Scotch St. (over 8 threads, over 5, over 4, over 3)
Column 2 – top to bottom: Dotted Scotch, Reversed Scotch, Divided Scotch, Continuous woven Scotch, Giant diagonal Scotch
Column 3 top to bottom: Half framed Scotch, Scotch, Framed Scotch, Framed Scotch variation, Diamond Scotch
Column 4 left – Window pane Scotch, Scotch checker, diagonal Scotch, Framed diagonal Scotch, Point Russe #1
Column 4 right -Framed reverse Scotch, triangular Scotch, woven Scotch


Below are 2 design samples for card inserts

