The background fabric is cotton embellished with metallic acrylic paint. Double click on the image to see a larger version.
Starting from the 9pm spot outside circle working clockwise:
Knotted chain stitch (just four of them)
Coral knots (worked two ways – from top and bottom)
Knotted Portuguese Stem Stitch
Double Knotted stitch (also known as Palestrina)
Next circle in from 9pm position
Basque knots
Pearl knots
Coral knots
Palestrina knot and chain
circle – double chain stitch anchored with a bullion, French knot in centre; Palestrina knots
Inner circle from 9 pm spot:
Bullion knots
Pistil stitches
line of Colonial knots
French knots
Bullions with a Colonial knot under
Centre flower:
Bullion knots with Colonial knots in the centre.